By: Gordon Rutherford
Earthquake events in
Westbrook and Hermleigh Texas.
- Despite a barrage of INBOUND CME Here On Earth from Feb 21st, 22nd, plus a few on the 26th from the Recent X-Class Event.
AT&T Cellular Outage on the 22nd.
(Inbound CME Related)
USGS Earthquake Events
By Magnetic Region
USGS Earthquake Locations
- Global USGS
USGS Global Activities
- RED2 Region Events
Location View of Interest
Lake Meredith, Tx
Magnetic Disposition of Region = Positive (LOW)
the same Disposition as Saturn
Glancing blow, only MINOR Influence to the Earth-facing Rotating Solar Magnetic Field.
Neutral (HIGH) / Positive (LOW)
- Mercury (Dia-Magnetic) = Neutral (High)
(Resonating Neutral (LOW))
- Venus Paramagnetic Attenuator = Positive (LOW)
- Mars Para-magnetic = Neutral
- Earth & Moon in Neutral (High)/Positive (LOW)
Saturn, Uranus, and Region in Magnetic Opposite and Same polarities.
Saturn = Positive (LOW)
Uranus = Neutral
Event Region = Positive (LOW)
Solar wind = Neutral (High)
The Combinational Geometry of Near Elongation of Saturn and Uranus, while during Lunar Resonant Geometry to Saturn/Sun/Mercury, IS IMPORTANT. This Saturn/Uranus Elongation Combinational Geometry is concerning Saturn Positive (LOW) and Uranus Neutral(LOW) as being at Magnetic Opposites. So when a geometry of Same of Dissimilliar magnetic polarities occurs, a Doubling in Increase summarizing the TOTAL MAGNETIC MASS of each body together. And then this effectively hits SAME AND OPPOSITE Magnetic Regions Globally.
The Texas Regional Information CONFIRMS the Magnetic Connection to Saturn and Uranus, as the Region is Positive (LOW), due to the same polarity as SATURN, all three drivers influenced this whole TEXAS REGION.
USGS Texas Earthquake Events
Feb 26th, 2024
- Texas Event Local Times
- Source