
M 7.6 - Mindanao, Philippines

 By: Gordon Rutherford 

Time and Date 2023-12-02 14:37:03 (UTC)
Location 8.527°N 126.449°E
Depth 32.8 km depth
Geomagnetic Location Polarity = BLUE-1

Lunar Resonant Drivers = Sun @ 120 degrees from the Moon, Uranus @ E. Elongation to the Moon, Neptune @ 150 degrees from the Moon
Combinational Drivers = Uranus @ 150 degrees from the Sun, Saturn @ W. Elongation, Mars @ Conjunction to the Sun

Magnetic Disposition of Drivers
- Sun Positive (LOW)
- Saturn Positive (LOW)
- Uranus Neutral (LOW)
- Neptune Negative
- Mars (Para-Magnetic) Neutral (LOW)

Magnitude Calculation
Saturn + Uranus + Neptune + Sun + Mars = 7.5m
Minus Attenuation from Incoming CME(*2) = 7.5m to 8.0m Possible
Recorded USGS Magnitude = 7.6m

USGS Website:

Philippine Swarm Analysis - UPDATE #4

DATA Time = 12/02/2023 @ 23:55 UTC


Philippine Swarm Analysis
7.6m Event --> 12/02 @ 14:37 UTC
6.5m Event --> 12/02 @ 16:03 UTC
6.2m Event --> 12/02 @ 17:40 UTC
6.2m Event --> 12/02 @ 18:09 UTC
6.0m Event --> 12/02 @ 20:52 UTC
6.6m Event --> 12/03 @ 10:35 UTC

Current situation in Philippines --> NOTE: Highest 6m and 7m events will have DRIVERS, These events are so large, THEY ARENT RANDOM.