
Celestial Geometries - Today 11/19/2016

Lunar Geometries
1) -  Mars at Lunar Opposition
2) -  Saturn at Lunar 120 Degrees
3) -  Uranus at Lunar 120 Degrees
4) -  Neptune at Lunar 150 Degrees

Combinational Geometries
1) - Jupiter and Uranus at Geocentric Opposition
2) - Saturn and Mercury at Geocentric Conjunction
Solar Magnetics
- Moon and Earth in the Solar Negative Magnetic Field
- Mars in the Positive Solar Magnetic Field
- Mercury in the Negative (Dia-Magnetic)

- Kilaueau
Period 1
11/18/2016 20:30 - Start (UTC)
11/18/2016 21:30 - End
11/18/2016 10:30 - Start (LOCAL TIME)
11/18/2016 11:30 - End

Saturn Rise

Period 2
11/19/2016 00:00 - Start (UTC)
11/19/2016 02:30 - End
11/18/2016 14:00 - Start (LOCAL TIME)
11/18/2016 16:30 - End

Saturn at Median

Period 3
11/19/2016 05:30 - Start (UTC)
11/19/2016 08:15 - End
11/18/2016 19:30 - Start (LOCAL TIME)
11/18/2016 22:15 - End

Neptune at Median

USGS Earthquake Analysis
USGS DATA downloaded
DATE 11/19/2016
TIME 09:45:30 UTC
Number of quakes >2.5m 33
Number of ALL QUAKES 167
Epicenter Magnetic Polarity
Totals Percentage
RED 10 30.30%
GREEN 8 24.24%
BLUE 15 45.45%
Highest Magnitude Quake
Depth = 10
Magnitude = 5.5
UTC Time = 20:54:46
150km NE of Raoul Island, New Zealand
Deepest Quake
Depth = 292.49
Magnitude = 4
UTC Time = 20:25:20
83km W of Abra Pampa, Argentina

Magnitudes #
2.5 12
3 5
4 12
5 4
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 + 0
Depth KM #
Surface 0-5 5
14 6-15 9
16-25 0
Deep 26 - 50 7
19 51 - 99 8
100 - 199 2
200 - 299 2
300 - 499 0
500 + 0

EMSC Earthquake Analysis
EMSC DATA downloaded
DATE 11/19/2016
TIME 09:45:30 UTC
Number of quakes >2.5m 88
Highest Magnitude Quake
Depth = 80
Magnitude = 5.6
UTC Time = 20:54:57
Deepest Quake
Depth = 590
Magnitude = 4.6
UTC Time = 15:16:03

Epicenter Magnetic Polarity
Totals Percentage
RED 47 53.41%
GREEN 20 22.73%
BLUE 21 23.86%
Magnitudes #
2.5 10
3 53
4 20
5 5
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 + 0
Depth KM #
Surface 0-5 20
51 6-15 28
16-25 3
Deep 26 - 50 16
37 51 - 99 8
100 - 199 9
200 - 299 3
300 - 499 0
500 + 1